In e-Discovery, attorneys must go through electronic data with purpose. Well, discovering the digital truth is a matter of facts, not only just documents. Such tools are essential for attorneys during the e-Discovery process, but without expert contextual analysis, you could miss some important points of information that may make or break your case.

Some attorneys don’t know how to communicate their information technology goals to produce efficient e-Discovery for maximum impact. Rather than betting on the capability of the software, your legal team needs to focus on the ability to maximize e-Discovery by analyzing the relevancy. Software and technology are paramount, but you’re there to operate them so you should know what’s the right time and place to apply.

Retrieving Redundant Documents is Time Wasted

As an attorney, you need specific information but you wouldn’t be able to read every document in an entire office building just because you know the document you’re seeking is in that building only. You would specify the focus like which department? Where is the seat of the person who has information? The same goes with e-Discovery, you have specified all 5 ‘W’ and 1 ‘H’ to gather specific information.

‘’The American Bar Association’s 2020 legal technology survey reported that almost 20% of attorneys still don’t do early case assessments and 41% report they never use an e-Discovery solution. Some 21% of attorneys report they don’t know if they outsource (computer forensic specialists), which frankly is a scary statistic given the ethical responsibilities of lawyers when it comes to e-Discovery,’’ according to the report.

Early Case Assessment

By artificial intelligence, you can focus on the facts & efforts on the correct data and can accelerate early case assessment. Sometimes this leads to further discovery, but it may lead to a reassessment of the entire case strategy. But e-Discovery is the solution after this early case assessment phase. Attorneys will know if there’s a need to discover more evidence or how to target correct evidence.

AEREN LPO delivers its method of e-Discovery that meets the duty of competence. We have specialized document review experts who lead the project and are fully equipped & trained to streamline daily workflow procedures with routines, quality checks, and compliance to provide the foremost Legal E-Discovery Services.



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